The opportunity for auto parts has come! These sub-tracks will be the first to benefit

Since November, the auto parts sector has become one of the most sought after hot sectors in the market. Many brokerages believe that with the easing of problems such as cost pressure and “lack of cores”, the profitability of the auto parts sector has bottomed out in Q3, and companies in this sector are expected to usher in a double-click from Davis. Under the background of changes in electrification, lightweighting and domestic substitution in the automotive industry, leading companies in the segmented industries are expected to benefit first.

Auto parts tend to be lightweight

A. Energy saving and emission reduction make the lightweight of the body an inevitable trend in the development of traditional automobiles

B. The cruising range of new energy vehicles promotes the further application of lightweight technology

C. Aluminum alloy has outstanding comprehensive cost performance and is the preferred material for lightweight automobiles

Intelligent driving, intelligent cockpit, intelligent chassis and intelligent exterior, these tracks are actually tracks with consumption attributes. In the future, there will be opportunities for both volume and price to rise, so the entire space of these tracks will grow faster.

Post time: Jan-17-2022